Revolution 49 Position 044

March 10, 2024.

Jones Falls Half

Wanted to reproduce the run for coffee thing from the other week. Didn't get up early enough to make that happen. Instead decided to run a half-marathon distance loop.

Nice link up from the house through Lake Roland and Mt. Washington to get to the Jones Falls Trail. The JFT follows the Falls from Mt. Washington to the Inner Harbor I believe. Mostly a paved bike path with a few bits of road connnections. Nice mix of nature and city.

The Jones Falls was a major engine in Baltimore's development. It powered many mills and factories along its valley. Now it is mostly hidden by the JFX (Jones Falls Expressway, aka I-83) for much of its course after leaving Lake Roland. Literally...
Jones Falls R49.044
Jones Falls under JFX at Union Ave in Woodberry

It is also heavily polluted.

The half went fine albeit a little slow (2:23:29). I ran the same-ish loop two years ago and the pacing was almost exactly the same. Except this time I stopped at a Royal Farms in Hampden for a Redbull and Cliff Bar. Don't think I stopped last time so probably about 10 minutes faster running time this time. Also a good reminder that I need to get much stronger if really going to do a 50 in less than a year.