Revolution 49 Position 018

March 05, 2024.

Running in the Rain + All Terrain Running

Unsticking oneself from the do-nothing inertia of the morning to run when it is raining outside is difficult. It is oh so rewarding when it happens. Perhaps it is some perverse love of the suck. I just love running in the rain. It gives a different perspective from the dry day to day.

This run combined the rain with another perspective on the daily run that I've added in. There is very little actual trail within the radius of my morning runs. I always add what is there into the day's run. Recently I've taken to adding it in where I can find it. In essence making my own. The strip of grass between the sidewalk and road. Through the field adjacent to the road. Around the edges of forest behind campus buildings at the hospitals and university.

Call it all terrain running - ATR for short. We'll see if that catches on...

This little bit is behind the grandly named Versailles Apartments. The iconic Baltimorean John Waters made some art juxtiposing this one and that one. The trail looks and feels purpose built. Which it is in a way.

found trail R49.018
found trail; you just have to look

I also finally tried out a bit of trail that shows up on the map just outside the boundaries of my normal daily runs. So glad that I did. Even though not terribly long there is some great trail. There is a by the creek option and a up and over a hill option.

found trail R49.018
new trail; you just have to actually try it after seeing it on the map